27 aprile 2024


La 33esima edizione del Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina si svolgerà a Milano dal 3 al 12 maggio 2024. Dilli Dark, di Dibakar Das Roy, è in concorso nella sezione Finestre sul mondo. Verrà proiettato giovedì 9 maggio alle ore 19.00 presso la Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, sembra alla presenza del regista. La pellicola è in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano e in inglese. Trailer.
Vi segnalo l'articolo 'Dilli Dark' is about acceptance, says director Dibakar Das Roy, pubblicato da The Times of India il 5 novembre 2023:

'"At this point of time, in a world which is very agitated, I think acceptance, non-judgmentalism... That's the most basic way in which we can put our politics. This is what I would want people to take back from the film. The whole intent behind it is to not just talk about Africans in Delhi. The intent is to talk about anyone who feels like an outsider in society today, that could be in India, America, or any other place. (...) Satire is one of the most beautiful art forms that were ever created. Satire is a beautiful tool because it doesn't take things seriously and at the same time it asks rather than tells. (...) Delhi is a beautiful city and I have a toxic relationship with it. Look at the beautiful complexities in Delhi, different layers, history, and all of that. I think it is about (sense of) belonging. Being an Indian person, I was born in Kolkata, I grew up in Meghalaya, and I went to Dehradun, then Delhi. What does it mean being an Indian? There's a central emotion to being Indian and I think Delhi represents that. (...) I didn't know Samuel [Abiola Robinson, l'attore nigeriano protagonista di Dilli Dark]. For me, he was just this actor working in Malayali films who had moved to Delhi. I watched his movie (Sudani from Nigeria), it was a commercial hit, and I decided to speak to him. We sat and worked on the film together".'

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